Thursday, December 27, 2007

Nordic Christmas Bazaar

This is an annual pre-Christmas Bazaar held in central Madrid by Nordic people. Theoretically stuff in this Bazaar should all come from Finland, Norway, Iceland (there are not many people from Iceland living in Madrid though), while in fact most of stands are run by Germans. Oh, actually we only saw one Finnish stand serving some hot wine (I never thought red wine can be drunk hot and still taste good!) by an old Finnish lady. Putting Emilia's comments, "well, Germans are more organized", her pretending-to-be serious tone combining with her cynical facial expressions had really funny effect. I couldn't help laughing...It was a great late afternoon!

The pic left above was outdoor area which almost accounted for half space of the Bazaar, most people there were having German sausage and bread though.

The church on the right side looked really nice with vendors for Christmas gifts, candies, books, toys...some traditional stuff...

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