Three things which made my Oxford trip really pleasant:
1) Extremely relaxed wandering around the academically renown university town. My first text in our University English class was Oxford University. After 13 years, I'm finally here, a little bit unreal though, jejeje...
I especially admire this reading room with the dome-shaped roof, and walking around the academic town was simply joy.
2) Hundreds of years old post box. I swear no one will pay special attention to those red color post boxes embedded into walls on Oxford's narrow and pebbled street. But they are from Victoria's times...really really old...
And some post boxes with similar styles are still alive in Windsor, since VII days. (sorry, I just forgot the exact name of the times when they were first installed, anyway much older than all of us currently alive in the world :-)
3) Three totally different types of books with "buy 3 get 1 free" offer from the most famous & non-chained book store "Blackwell" in town. Yes, the only one in UK, jejeje.
Form me, buying books is just like buying clothes, first you have a glance of the store picturing the whole range of stuff on the shelf. After that, you get some general idea which type you are going to have a further look, some book cover is designed really bad, simply ignoring it, you will never read it; it is the same as selecting the clothes, you have to fall in love with it at first sight, if any hesitance arises, it is not yours, most possibly you will leave it at the corner of your cabinet after wearing it only once. If the book title seems appealing to you, then it is usually worth having a quick glance of the table content, the general intro on the back cover, or to see if the bio of author is interesting. Now I simply ignore those short reviews, many times, they all sound the same, and I find even worse that nowadays these comments are more similar to comments given to Oscar winner movies, repeated words such as "brilliant" "passionate, witty" ""sparkling", etc.